Friday, November 7, 2008


Well, folks..we did it. We didn't die, we didn't hurt ourselves (well, Michelle did cut herself shaving this morning) and tomorrow morning, we find out how many inches and pounds we lost. We sat in the sauna right before bed to ensure that we will have lost at least something. We were sweating ... it was like a sauna in there!

We have very strong sentiments and reflections about this past week, but right now we are so EXHAUSTED that all we want to do is go to bed sooner, so we can wake up faster and get HOME! And eat a cupcake. And have a glass of wine. And Rebekka wants a peppermint mocha.

So, without further

6:00 wake up, banana tofu smoothie
6:30 Yoga. Rebekka stays in bed. Michelle goes to yoga and is OVER IT.
7:35 breakfast: cereal for Michelle and fritttttatta and fruit for Rebekka
8:45 Leave for hike. This hike was an all day-er, and we were over it before it started. But thankfully JP was our guide:

(From left to right: Rebekka, JP, Michelle, Heather)

We were out hiking for five hours today, 10 miles. We each cried at least once on the way up.
lunch on hike: Bison chile and quinoa chile, cheese balls and edamame for snack.
The hike was, at least, pretty easy on the eyes. It followed a creek the entire trip. See below:

4:00 Back to lodge for showers
5:00 Rebekka had massage, Michelle had dinner. Tilapia with lemon butter sauce and.....LETTUCE!
6:00 Rebekka has dinner: trout with lemon butter sauce and ... LETTUCE!
7:00 Michelle has massage, Rebekka does circuit training course
8:00 Michelle and Rebekka sit in sauna and sing Lisa Loeb at the top of their lungs.

Well, our tummies are growling...literally....and we can't wait to see a little bit of Asheville before we head home tomorrow. For now, good night, and... Namaste. (haha)

1 comment:

Mary said...

congrats ladies! and, in case you didn't get my text, please treat yourself to one of your cupcakes when you get home...because i acutally bought a ($4) cupcake for luke yesterday at a place that begins with "G" and sounds like multiple "G's" and it was such a disappointment. your cupcakes are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better. like way better.

call me! love ya! (oh and my secret word is lemotela....sounds like a cupcake flavor=)